Real World Serverless Use Cases

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As serverless technology moves past the emerging technology phase there are more and more great real world examples out there. I’ll talk 7 different use cases for serverless technology with examples from companies and other open source projects. This includes everything from GraphQL APIs to chatbots to data processing systems. After this talk, you’ll surely have some ideas for getting started with serverless.


“@DavidWells talking about the magic of #serverless at @DeveloperWeek in Oakland #developerweek”

“Last week a Kpop star tweeted out something and crashed servers. You gotta be aware of the K Pop stars. It’s the real meaning of this talk.” —@DavidWells, on #serverless tech at @DeveloperWeek

“Props to @theburningmonk, a serverless mastermind” —@DavidWells at @DeveloperWeek #serverless #developerweek2018

“Need ideas for getting started with Serverless? @DavidWells is live on stage at @DeveloperWeek right now with 7 solid use cases 💥 #serverless #developerweek”

“Helpful resources if you want to go serverless.Thank you @DavidWells”